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Woman looking at a positive pregnancy test.
Nurse talking to a patient about test results
Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center of Southeastern Connecticut

Book a no-cost pregnancy testing and ultrasound so you know for sure and plan your next steps.

Learn more about self-managed abortion pills, clinic procedures, pregnancy, and your options.

We provide no-cost, compassionate care for sexual health and unplanned pregnancy.

Your Go-To Place for Holistic Sexual Health and Unplanned Pregnancy Services in New London, Connecticut

Anchor of Hope provides limited medical services, referrals and support to anyone facing an unplanned pregnancy. Whether you want to learn more about all your pregnancy options, need a supportive place to make a decision, are looking for information on the abortion pill or abortion procedures in New London, CT - start with us.


In the military or live on base? We're here for you too. All our services are completely confidential and are provided at no cost to you.

asian woman in u.s. military uniform sitting on porch

We're here with free sexual health services, education, and resources to help you thrive.


If you think you may have an STD, we provide free testing and treatment for the most common sexually transmitted infections.


Take charge of your health. Make a confidential appointment today.

Group of diverse women smiling and sitting on a staircase.

When the right to choose includes more than one option, we've got you covered.






In Person

492 Montauk Ave.

 New London, CT 06320

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Looking for pregnancy options or abortion information? Make an appointment for a free pregnancy test at our clinic. If the test is positive, we can provide pregnancy confirmation, pregnancy options, information on the abortion pill and abortion clinic procedures, parenting classes, and referrals.


If you've recently taken the abortion pill (also known as a chemical or medication abortion) and have decided you want to reverse the process, contact us today and learn more about abortion pill reversal.

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